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Whether you are learning English for IELTS, preparing for a job interview (I help in both ways), you need to listen & apply some ideas in this powerful podcast. Have you heard of this psychological problem in the past called inferiority complex? Let me define that for you, in simple terms it's a feeling that you are less important, intelligent, or skillful than other people. In this 15 minute podcast I provide various definitions & examples of my students having this issue. In addition you'll get a bonus, I offered coaching solutions you can apply immediately to heal yourself off this psychological barrier that stands between you and your success in English. Dive deeper into it and become freer on your language & professional improvement journey! After this recording, may you never be the same. See you in my private 1-1 classes.
Inferiority complex (for language learners (IELTS, Interview Preps & English Teachers!).
May 23, 2024 7:16 AM
Which part are you worried about? I met a student from China who came to prepare for IELTS speaking, and while reading his goal, I picked certain areas from his answer that he wasn't even aware of.  This was the goal: (I will hide the name, just to illustrate some of my student's goals), so here were his goals: "My goal is to break through 5.5 in IELTS speaking. I often don't know what to say when communicating, especially during exams, and the answers are a little incoherent and overly nervous." These were the issues I identified a) Not knowing what to say (being stuck). b) During exam fear (most people have 'exams-fear'. c) Doubting about the answers (whether its correct). d) Fear, anxiety when communicating. What about you, do you have some of these concerns? If you said yes - I know how you feel and that's exactly what I am addressing in all of my IELTS speaking classes because the issues are similar in most cases. Please listen to the podcast https://www.italki.com/en/post/tsrF9Pa8WVVEMNIS6k1Ip .. and pick what will resonate with you, and join my 1-on-1 VIP classes for your outrageous success in communication improvement whether for IELTS speaking, job interview preparation or business English. See you in my classes.
May 20, 2024 1:24 PM
Do you tell the truth or lie in the IELTS test? What if you are stuck when expressing yourself, when you lack of ideas, what do you do??? What if you don't have any content to share the moment you are asked a question on an IELTS test? How do you feel about 'telling a lie' when this is the only solution on a test? I found my Chinese students have a moral issue when I help them overcome 'being stuck' when speaking a question. It's vital to be honest and tell the truth. We all know this, but the IELTS speaking test goal is slightly different. Listen to the podcast and find out how you can overcome 'lack of ideas' when expressing yourself or when you can't tell stories. https://www.italki.com/en/post/tsrF9Pa8WVVEMNIS6jzXOA You can simply imagine them. You'll have more clarity on the recording. Enjoy it and join my classes to prepare for your next IELTS speaking test, job interview preparation, or to prepare your business English and communication skills. See you in my classes now.
May 16, 2024 10:14 AM
Are you keeping going back and forth in your IELTS speaking? Have you found yourself saying the same thing over and over again when you answer various part 1, 2, or 3 questions of the IELTS?? Students are too eager to try to be perfect, and with this perfectionism, they get stuck on being dissatisfied with what they are saying (almost always!). Have you had that? In this podcast, I go over one element that can make a huge difference in your performance if corrected.  You may feel enlightened just by noticing it and becoming aware of it, and once corrected, the rewards might surprise you. Jump into the recording, improve yourself there, and check my availability if you are preparing for any kind of interview or English-speaking engagement ahead of you. I've helped thousands of people succeed in the spoken English arena; I can do the same for you. You can listen to the podcast here: https://www.italki.com/en/post/fHWMgYs7wAWxe0tpr6pwIF See you in my 1-1 training now.
May 2, 2024 7:47 AM
Imagine being asked this question in an interview, do you have our DNA? It's so strange that it'll make most people feel awkward since they've never heard of this question, right? Take you for example, what would you say to a question like this? Will you lose face and be out of words or..? I help my students to find the right words and I talk about it in today's recording. Jump into it. You can read various articles on the DNA's topic - it's pretty helpful in a job interview process! Here is my podcast on this: https://www.italki.com/en/post/5SmPPyPwXAK3M4mn0aURui Here are some definitions: Real DNA contains genetic information about how we look and behave, and it also defines what makes us different from each other On the other hand, a brands DNA is not an advertising slogan or a statement coined for the purposes of positioning. Since it is the center of all brand-building efforts, it should convey a strategic message! If you'll spot it in your research and will communicate about it in your interview heavily - you'll set yourself apart from the competition! Come of my 1-1 training and we'll dive deep into preparing you for success in a job interview or any spoken English related endeavor!
Apr 28, 2024 11:34 AM
How To Positively Influence A Hiring Manager? There are various way you can do so. Here is an answer from internet: "The best way to influence candidates as a recruiter is by effectively communicating the value proposition of the organization, actively listening to their needs and aspirations, building strong relationships, and providing personalized solutions that align with their interests and career goals." IIn my podcast I covered something else - the mental world of yours and what do you do to prepare for the 'project' mentally. Here is an anwer from the internet: "Another tool you can use to mentally prepare is to visualize the interview going well. Instead of picturing yourself not knowing answers to questions or stumbling over your words, take time to imagine answering each question perfectly. Imagine that you are not nervous and your confidence shines to the interviewer." I talk about a different thing instead - the attitude you carry with you about who you are and what you can deliver and from this perspective you speaj/answer recruiter's questions. Dive deeper into my podcast and pick whats relevant, what resonates and what you can use to succeed as its my only intention for you! Good luck.
How To Positively Influence A Hiring Manager?
Apr 16, 2024 2:44 AM
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