Can you tell me how do you say "LOL" in your language?

For example we say :  خخخخ it's abbreviation for خیلی خندیدم خدا خیرت بده


Thank you in advance =) 

Aug 29, 2015 11:22 AM
Comments · 13

@se7en, yeah, "what are you neighing at?" is a common phrase in Russian. :D

August 29, 2015

In Spain is JAJA

August 29, 2015


August 29, 2015

@under a pseudonym  Thank you for participation.

That's cool. I mean simulating human laughing to horse neighing :)

August 29, 2015

In Russian that would be "ржунемогу", that literally means "neighing cannot". Neighing is what hourses do when they make a long loud noise. We express lauging like that, like... we compare human lauging with horse neighing. By "cannot" we mean that we can't stop lauging. So it's besically mean "I'm laughing and can't help stopping to laugh" but expressed in an interesting way.

August 29, 2015
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