Anna Maria
Professional Teacher
Impariamo l'italiano ,cucinando! Modi di dire legati al cibo:CADERE COME UNA PERA COTTA/ INNAMORATO COTTO

This common saying is often used in an ironic way when somebody stumbles  or falls awkwardly like a ripe  pear that falls from the branch and  ends up on the ground.In Italian  you can say CADERE MALDESTRAMENTE .

You can hear this expression INNAMORATO COTTO when somebody is madly in love .In Italian you can also say INNAMORATO FOLLEMENTE .

Are there other common sayings  for INNAMORATO COTTO in you language?

I found two new  ones in English that I didn't know yet Be smitten and to be head over heels in love with somebody ! are they commonly used?


Sep 2, 2015 12:36 PM