Elia Murru
Nice Italian Idiom: sei bella/o ma non balli

Si riferische a una persona bella fuori (esteticamente) ma non con altre capacità/qualità; vuota dentro per intenderci.


In inglese, letteralmente vuol dire: you are beautiful outside but you can't dance, that does not meaning anything. The meaning instead is that you are referring to a person who looks beautiful, but who is empty inside, like she does not have personality or any other skills except looking great.



Maria è bella ma non balla

Marco è bello ma non balla


Another expression with a similar meaning is: essere tutto fumo e niente arrosto, which is like all show and no substance.


Do you have a similiar idiom in English or Spanish?

Oct 2, 2015 10:08 PM
Comments · 4

There's a nice English version of the second one :  'all mouth and no trousers'.

October 2, 2015

'All brawn and no brains' - but this only refers to males.

'Dead behind the eyes' could also refer to someone who isn't very intelligent, but this has other connotations too.

October 3, 2015

"All bark, (but) no bite." — RE: Incompetence, Insincerity, Inauthentic, Phoniness.


““….like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness." Matthew 23:27 — RE: Deception, Phoniness.


"Beauty, (but) no brains.” — RE: Intelligence, Character


“There’s a nice looking doorbell (or ‘nice looking door to knock on), but nobody’s home.” [I just made this up!] — RE: Intelligence, Character


“I think she slipped into the gene pool when the life guard wasn’t looking.” — RE: Intelligence, Character


“A wolf in sheep’s clothing.” — RE: Deception

October 7, 2015

Hi Adrian, do you know the origin of that expression?


October 3, 2015