coffee kliest
desperate to write a letter&email

After 10years learning...... still can hardly write a "correct" email

For example, after receiving help from my professor, I totally lost my words.

Please what is a "propriate" formal email like? 

         how to tell the other that I really thank his help?

Need experienced and kind-hearted friends to help /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

Oct 7, 2015 3:05 PM
Comments · 2

It should be very nearly the same as a formal letter, but just a little less so, and perhaps missing the old written Dear Sir and Yours Sincerely!

November 30, 2015

missing them?

awwwww that's exciting I feel quite tired of that and feel that the one reading is tired too

:  P Danke~

November 30, 2015