Online courses / Des cours en ligne / Cursos en la red Let's post here links to online courses of Basque language Mettons ici des liens aux cours de basque que nous trouvons sur l'internet. Vamos a poner aquí enlaces a cursos de vasco que encontramos en la red.
Mar 2, 2008 3:33 PM
Comments · 3
Great website with tons of resources, including podcasts and their transcriptions, audionovelas, cartoons and many others, songs with audio files, text and scores!
April 3, 2008
Concise course of Basque by Vincent Bastiat, translated by Herman Boel The opening page also contains a list of interesting links - for instance, 2 links to Basque pronunciation websites.
March 3, 2008
CURSO DEUSTA DE EUSKERA 3 cursos - iniciación, mediano, secundo curso mediano. Con fotos, explicaciones en español y sonido (tienen que instalar Real Player).
March 2, 2008