like to learn Croatian Would like to speak croatian.  can u help ?
Nov 8, 2010 5:45 AM
Comments · 4

hi, find a professional teacher to give you one-on-one language lessons.A professional teacher can teach you all aspects of a foreign language, including oral communication, grammar, pronunciation, writing, and more. A professional teacher can create a personalized learning plan for you..

Getting a professional teacher is the fastest way to accelerate your progress. If you are a beginner, we strongly recommend you start with formal language lessons.

Professional teachers either 1) teach offline as a job, or 2) have a certificate in education. Professional teachers upload their credentials to italki for verification.


March 28, 2013
I'm a native speaker and can explain grammar as well. I am a trained teacher of English and French with very good knowledge of Croatian grammar, spelling and syntax.
March 21, 2011
fair enough.  You can start conversing with me in Croatian.  I start.   Dobro vecer.  Kako si danas ?
December 2, 2010
I can :D but not with gramatics.... just everyday speaking, Croatian is my maternal language 
November 30, 2010