Professional Teacher
How to use Chinese idioms

  Chinese learners must all know that there are many Chinese idioms. Chinese idioms are usually made only by four characters but they can convey much bigger and deeper meanings, not to mention making you sound smarter too!

Today I want to introduce one of the most popular and useful idioms:
因小失大(yin1 xiao3 shi1 da4). It means to forget some smaller things to lose the bigger things.

Here’s an example: 为了追女友而辞掉工作真是因小失大!

Can you think of any examples where you can use 因小失大?Leave the message and I'll check for you!

Dec 15, 2013 9:52 AM
Comments · 8

Sorry, your English explanation does not make sense. You can say things like, 'to lose the big things because of the little things', or 'to lose the big things because you tried to save the little things', or 'to try to save a little only to lose a lot';or 'to be wise or careful in small matters but not in important ones'

December 15, 2013

Is the same as the English phrase, "you can't see the forest for the trees"?

April 20, 2014

I would say " Do not lose something important because of focusing on trivial things .


December 20, 2013


December 16, 2013

  我为了回家不打车所以走了一个小时的路还丢了手机,真是因小失大!This sentence will sounds better, but I think you've got the meaning of the idiom now.

December 15, 2013
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