Do you know something about clothes or fashion in Russia?
Apr 25, 2014 3:51 AM
Comments · 9
This is some words about traditional Russian Costumes. Try to type those words on google to find the image and information. For women: длинная рубаха (in English rubakha), сарафаны (or понёвы), кокошник ( kokoshnik in English, this is festive head-dress) For men: рубашка-косоворотка (rubakha- kosovorotk), штаны, пояс-кушак, картуз (or картуз – фуражка), лапти (or сапоги). In winter, the Russian men usually wear шапку- ушанку or треух, Russian women wear шерстяные расписные шали or вязанные пуховые платки. Here is a link to a video on youtube about Russian traditional costumes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYUPHsHI-sI and I think this link will be useful for you, there are English and Russian language. http://aboutmyrussia.blogspot.ru/2011/01/russian-traditional-costumes.html Hope it help.
April 25, 2014

I didn't. It was Italki Team.


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April 26, 2014
You are welcome :)
April 25, 2014

I remember It was a question, not a discussion, How could you change it? @@

April 26, 2014


April 26, 2014
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