在台灣國語最多用的地方是哪裡?台語少用的是哪裡? 想學好國語中文,去台灣留學要選擇哪所大學比較好?台語等只它語言少的地方比較好。而娛樂的地方也少點比較好。 台中或者新北市是不是好地方? 有沒有什麼可推薦的地方? Thanks!
Jul 14, 2014 2:10 AM
Comments · 4
台北比較多外國人, 娛樂也比較多, 許多外國人都去師範大學上課. 新北市離台北市很近, 台中市沒有台北市繁華, 但是氣候比較好.
July 14, 2014

非常感谢大家给我有意义的的建议, 我会好好儿参考的。Thanks!

July 15, 2014

I figure you wory too much about Mandarin learning environment. Almost any place in Taiwan, you may use mandarin to communicate with anyone who is under 60 years old. The problem is if there is enough education system to facilitate and support your Chinese learning. To learn a language well does not call for a favorable practice environment only. A good well-organized lesson is still quite important for your learning indeed. My opinion is once you have engaged in some programs of Mandarin learning in some university or education institution, you may get essential information to improve and practice your Mandarin effectively.


If you want to learn and practice with a free competent Chinese teacher, inform me by text.

July 14, 2014
July 14, 2014