English Only
Tu opinión de Speedy...

My Spanish is not very good. I apologize for not writing in Spanish.


As a child I watched cartoons from the 1950's and 1960's. One cartoon character was named Speedy Gonzales.


This link is of the Cartoon Networks' biography of Speedy Gonzales, in Spanish.




This link is how the character got his name, in English.




The Cartoon Network has not shown Speedy Gonzales since 1999 in America, because of concerns, that he portrays Hispanics in a bad light.


What is your opinion of the way Speedy Gonzales was portrayed, to the English speaking American audience...?


Aug 19, 2014 9:13 PM
Comments · 14

Creo que speedy González es una caracterización precisa y correcta de la vida del ratón más rápido en México.

Deseaba ver el gringo pussygato atrapar a Speedy, pero el gringo pussygato Sylvester nunca pudo atrapar él porque Speedy era demasiado rápido para él.  Siempre tenía que salvar a otros ratones de las garras de Sylvester y siempre fue capaz de salvar, justo a tiempo.

August 20, 2014

Mi opinión ?


Speedy es une hijo de p"ta


he's a son of a whore



August 23, 2014

¿Hijo de puta? Ai ai ai...


Tal vez tiene razón Sam. Él siempre estaba robando las mujeres de los otros ratones:





August 23, 2014

Ahhhh, that answers it, la siesta. I always knew about a siesta but never really understood why.


Your attention to this detail, Dorothy, has been 'conocer como la palma de la mano'. Gracias.

August 23, 2014

Now in Spain the siesta has become a real problem. Spaniards work in office building with heating and cooling today and yet their schedules do not mirror that so they work longer hours than just about any other country because they won't give up those very long breaks in the middle of the day. This ends up that they work late into the evenings and get to spend little time with their families. They don't necessarily take a nap in the middle of the day, so they are often totally exhausted. They are trying to work the European style of being up all day along WITH the siesta time off and it's failing. They work longer hours and work harder and get less done because of exhaustion. With the economy in trouble, people will work themselves into the ground.

It's all about siesta.

August 23, 2014
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