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Learning Article : An Overview Of The Historical And Political Background To The Independence Referendum In Scotland

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<a href='/article/234/an-overview-of-the-historical-and-political-background-to-the-independence-referendum-in-scotland' target='_blank'>An Overview Of The Historical And Political Background To The Independence Referendum In Scotland</a>

On 18 September 2014, the people of Scotland will vote “Yes” or “No” to a simple referendum question : Should Scotland become an independent country? Learn a brief and neutral summary of the historical and political background to this momentous vote; readers need no prior knowledge of the history and politics of the UK.

Aug 24, 2014 12:00 AM
Comments · 19

Nacir wrote : What about italki rule that political discussions are not allowed here?


As the author of the article, I checked this out with Italki when I submitted it to them.  They said that they would monitor the comments and if they got too heated, then they would withdraw the comment facility for this article.  


For me, it would be interesting to see how people from outside the UK view the debate but perhaps the best kind of comment would avoid expressing a view as to how the vote should go. 

Kind regards, Michael


August 25, 2014

It's ultimately up to the Scottish people!


I've been following this topic for a while now and there has certainly been among the people a resurgence of a strong Scottish identity.


I have no problems with this but my main concern is that with this patriotic fever floating around, Scots will make ill-informed and irrational decisions about their independance. 


Should Scotland leave the UK, the SNP has expressed its desire to remain a member of the European Union.  Whether pro or anti EU, this is point at which where I believe Scottish people need to have a think.  Acceleration towards a Federal Europe means that Scotland will not exactly "gain" back its sovereignty.


If the Scots really wanted true independance, are they not better off remaining in the UK (more or less on the precipice of exiting the EU)?


Just my thoughts!

September 8, 2014

amazing article, hope they vote yes. scotland have different culture. and i think scotland must have independent goverment.

August 24, 2014

What about italki rule that political discussions are not allowed here?

August 25, 2014

the culture just i say "if".

this is moderm era, lot of country was to be free, and not be shadow of other country.

i think english must give scotland chance.

sorry shopia if i have different idea.. many thank for discustions and sorry if my englist is bad.

August 25, 2014
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