Is there a bookworms' community site in China?

大家好! Is there a Chinese community site for bookworms, something like LibraryThing, Booklikes or Goodreads? Not that I can read in Chinese for the time being, just out of curiousity. ; ) Thanks.

Sep 29, 2014 5:02 PM
Comments · 2

Hi Zerge,


You can visit a Chinese website named DouBan, www.douban.com

There are some online communities there. I don't know where are you live now, one group I find in Shanghai is http://www.douban.com/group/YUEDU/

October 3, 2014

Thanks, Wesley! : )
I tried to register, but goodness, I always hated captchas (my eyesight is not too good) and now it's a Chinese captcha, haha :D I'll have to ask a friend for help :D

October 4, 2014