Community Tutor
Are You Ready For A good Laugh?! o_O!!

Do you think you are guilty of one of these crimes? Today I discovered I'm a serious criminal;) I came across this 4 min. video in one of italki articles & it made me laugh:) If you are in a good mood, watch it:

Oct 19, 2014 6:36 PM
Comments · 22

That was so funny! All of those things annoy me, but I feel like a jerk correcting people all the time ;)

October 20, 2014

This video is one of the funniest I've ever watched in my life;) I wonder if they teach that to English students(,") I'm sorry that it includes few inappropriate photos, but I felt like sharing it here because it's not right to laugh alone:D

October 21, 2014

@Sophie: you're so welcome and I'm really glad I chose those videos, we all need a good laugh every now & then (,")

October 20, 2014

So funny Mumtaz! I enjoyed watching these videos. I laughted at loud!

Thank you for sharing:)

October 20, 2014
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