Learning Article : Important Phrases And Vocabulary For Your First Japanese Lesson

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Get ready for your first Japanese lesson online: polite greetings and introductions, asking questions, saying thank you, and goodbye. Ganbatte ne!

Nov 5, 2014 12:00 AM
Comments · 32


はい、使えますよ :) Yes, you can.

でも、" (その言葉/それ)はなんという意味ですか" の方が、日本人はよく使うと思います。

But I think you would hear "~ wa nan to iu imi desuka" more often from Japanese people. 

November 10, 2014

Thank you so much this article was very helpful! ^_^ I have been studying for 12 years, with very little help. I have to start all over again. This is one article was more helpful than all the books I have. Please keep it up! :D

July 7, 2015

Great article, thank you Misa!

June 19, 2015

such a good article with the explaination in detail so that i can understand them all in just 15 mins 



May 7, 2015

みんな、ありがとう xx  Thanks, guys!

You'd have to say 



ちょっとゆっくり just means "a little bit slowly". 


If you mean "a little slowER", then add もう in the beginning.

もうちょっと or もうすこし (= a bit more) + adverb.


April 28, 2015
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