Brazilian Portuguese book recommendations

Hi all,  i have just posted something similar but about Spanish books.

I am looking to start Portuguese in the new year and would like some books to read.


I am currently looking for some dual language books also but i find the language in them isnt very modern. 


Im looking for some action books, based in Brazil, also i like reading about Brazilian culture or football. 


I am a massive fan of the film City of God so anything similar would be great. 



Nov 5, 2014 5:14 PM
Comments · 6

gracias María, voy a comprobar a cabo.


pero casi todo el tiempo uso el tableta y es muy dificil para cambiar los idiomas por youtube


pero muchas gracias!

November 8, 2014


can you try in

borges is the one of best writter of argentina

In Praise of Darkness: Parallel Text (Spanish) Hardcover – 24 Apr 1975
by Jorge Luis Borges (Author), N.T. Di Giovanni (Translator)

if you put into search of amazon : neruda bilingual english spanish , list all books bilingual spaniah english of neruda, he was a poetry of chile

GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ: cien años de soledad, el amor en los tiempos del colera, etc

en amazon : My Name Is Gabito/Me Llamo Gabito: The Life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez/La Vida de Gabriel Garcia Marquez1 Oct 2007
by Monica Brown and Raul Colon
Get it by Sunday, Nov 9
More buying choices
£0.79used & new(36 offers)




November 8, 2014

hi i´m sorry but my english it´s bad, im speak spanish

you can use youtube, put into window search:portugues legendado ingles 

or : ingles legendado portugues

for books (audiobooks) : audio livro legendado ingles

if you change setting for youtube, bottom of page can change language, if you need learn portuguese, change to portuguese and all videos apear into this language with subtitles


other possibility its use dvd, you put one dvd abaut your favourite film, and settings : audio portugues and subttitles portugues... ( i make this whit spanish english)

other is, if you have tv system  how directv or similar, change settings of audio and put subtitles 


here paste one link to one film in youtube...

heaven % heart, audio english subttitles protugues


November 8, 2014

Yaure, i have been recommended those films before but have had trouble buying them in London. I hear they are very good and sound like something i would really enjoy. Thanks!


Erika, what a great list! thanks! there is lots for me to choose from, im sure i will find atleast one of them. 

November 6, 2014

Oi Steve!


Alguns dos melhores livros brasileiros são:


Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas | Machado de Assis

Grande Sertão: Veredas | Guimarães Rosa

Macunaíma |Mário de Andrade

Dom Casmurro | Machado de Assis

A Rosa do Povo | Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Vidas Secas | Graciliano Ramos

Poema Sujo | Ferreira Gullar

Eu | Augusto dos Anjos

O Tempo e o Vento | Erico Verissimo

A Educação Pela Pedra | João Cabral de Melo Neto

November 6, 2014
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