turkish translation needed

Hey everyone, can someone translate this sentece in german or english for me, please?


→ parlak ve canli saclar icin bitkisel yeni formül




→ yagdan yeterince miktar alinip sac diplerine masaj seklinde ovularak sürülüp 30-60dk. Beklettilip bitkisel bir sampuanla yikanmasi tavsiye edilir.


info: it's a hair care oil :)


thanks in advance!

Nov 26, 2014 6:11 PM
Comments · 3


"A new herbal formula for bright and vivid hairs.

Apply enough amount of oil on the hair roots and massage for 30-69 minutes.

And after that we suggest to wash it with a herbal shampoo."


As far as my limited Turkish allows, I guess this is the meaning of those sentences. But not completly sure.

November 26, 2014

Okey, thank you for the trouble! :)

November 27, 2014


November 26, 2014