Korean Pronunciation

<em>When do you know you're going to use the "L" or "R" sound when pronouncing Korean words. I know it has to do with the word youre saying, but what if it is a new word in your vocabulary. Are there any methods in knowing which sound you will use? Thank you in advance! </em>

Dec 24, 2014 6:39 AM
Comments · 6

1. When ㄹ is placed at the beginning of the word, it's pronounced as R

- 라디오 : Radio

- 라면 : Ramyeon 


2. When placed at the end, it's pronounced as L 

- 신발 : Shinbal 

- 딸: Ddal


3. In the middle of the word, if it is followed by a vowel, pronounced as R 

- 따라하다 : Ddarahada

-- 팔아요 : Parayo


4. *f followed by a consonant or another ㄹ, read as L 

- 달라 : Dalla 


5. If it comes after ㅇ, it's read as N 

- 승리 : Seungni





December 24, 2014

I think you will realize that all R, L sounds used in English don't match exactly those in korean.


Actually, that's the reason why korean people normally have a difficulty to pronounce R,L sounds in English.


Yeah, We korean can understand what you said if you pronounce word 'ㄹ' in your way (R,L).

Then you don't have to pratice pronounciation because it won't make a bit of difference :)


'ㄹ' is totally different sound

December 25, 2014


normally just use ㄹ for all the L and R


ex) radio = 라디오

     rule = 룰

     lemon = 레몬

     locker, rocker = 락커


yeah, cannot really pronounce english with korean letters


December 24, 2014

Here is a Youtuber that helps with the sounds of the Korean alphabet SungHeeReginaHong.

Plus she is a Christian and have Christian songs on her channel to learn Korean.


Hope this helps!

December 26, 2014

Ms. Aurelie's explanation is quiet comprehensive!!  Nicely done!  :) 

(A thumbs up was not enough to show my enthusiasm.)

December 24, 2014
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