what does 'hardwired' mean? please define it in the sentece below, thanks.

We are hardwired to seek and make sense of the world
through narratives.

Dec 25, 2014 7:32 PM
Comments · 3

It just means we are built in a particular way. For example, humans are hardwired to be social.  Hardwired = like that by nature. Another example: I am hardwired to like wine. :)

December 25, 2014

I agree with Tom, and we definitely use hardwired to talk about our behaviours or personalities. 


However, we can also use hardwired when we talk about technology. For example;


The graphics chip is hardwired to the motherboard.

December 26, 2014

Thanks a lot Tom, It's really helped I've got the meaning

December 25, 2014