help translating?

잘 나오게 열심히 하고 있는데 잘 나오지 나올지 걱정?

what does this sentence above means?

and also can I know how do you use 는데?

Jan 23, 2015 12:04 AM
Comments · 3

<em>잘 나오게 열심히 하고는 있는데 나올지 안 나올지 걱정됨 </em>


      it seems that someone worry about the score or attend.

      성적이 잘 나오다 or 학교에 잘 나가다


if above conversation is for score


1. 잘 나오게 열심히 하고는/ 있는데/

( i try hard to get a good score /but/)


(성적이) 잘나올지 안나올지 걱정

(i don't know my score will be good or bad)


=> i try hard to get a good score but i don't know my score will be good or bad.


 has simmliar usage like 'but' 


나는 밥을 좋아해 , 하지만 국수는 좋아하지 않아.

= 나는 밥은 좋아하는데 국수는 별로 좋아하지 않아.

= i like rice but i dont like noodles.

January 23, 2015

잘 나오게 열심히 (노력)하고 있는데 잘 나오지 나올지 걱정?


It will means the anxiety of score or something outcomes from effort(In Korean "노력").




January 27, 2015

Hi! I'm not sure about the translation since I'm not a native Korean speaker, but I thought this link might help explain how to use ~는데.



January 23, 2015