Do you like Hungarian dishes?/ Szereted a magyar ételeket?

If so, what is your favorite?

Have you ever made any hungarian food?


Ha igen, mi a kedvenced?

Készítettél már valaha magyar ételt?

Feb 24, 2015 9:18 AM
Comments · 10

I just love gulash, abviously if I am NOT the cook.

February 24, 2015

True story.  Not a joke.


I once had an office assistant who was from Budapest.   Over the years, whenever someone happened to say in her presence, "I'm hungry," she would smile and reply, "And I'm Hungarian."


She was always such a warm and friendly person.

February 25, 2015

Will the Internet version 3.14159 allow shipment of hot dishes through the

optical fibers?

If that will come to be true, please don't forget about your language friends in Rome.

February 25, 2015

I am of Hungarian ancestry but I never learned the names of the dishes. :( There was lots of hot hungarian paprika that's for sure. Some of them were something that sounded like "paprikash". Chicken paprikash for instance? Lots of dumplings! I wish I had some of those recipes now. 

February 25, 2015

I liked fish soup. And a lot of cakes which bake at home)

February 24, 2015
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