Common mistake I noticed with Spanish speakers

This is something I've always been curious as to whether anyone could give me some information or insight on, because I've always found it interesting.  A common thing I notice native spanish speakers learning english do is they throw in an 'a' before certain words. The most common phrase I've heard throughout the years is "I speak a spanish/english" or some variant based off that.  I know when learning a new language you tend to directly translate from your native tongue which is normally where most of your mistakes come from but in this case there wouldn't be an 'a' in a spanish equilvalent sentence.  Just curious because even my friends who are native speakers who are fluent in english don't really have an answer.

Apr 20, 2015 1:06 AM
Comments · 6

Phonological / pronunciation rule: Spanish words cannot begin in "s" + another consonant, so /e/ is prefixed.

April 20, 2015

Sometimes we add "the" but I don't recall using "a" so much, but we change some prepositions.

May 30, 2015

Many people write espanish instead of Spanish**

April 20, 2015

Never heard "a Spanish or a English". Now, common mistake is to add an e before a word starting in s. For example, espanish, eschool, estart. You will see that many people write Spanish. Another common mistake is not to use the article an. For example, "a accountant".

April 20, 2015

A common mistake**

April 20, 2015
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