You are beautiful? Are you handsome? What is beauty? What is handsome?

I think I am not a beauty, but I really want to ask, what is beauty? A person's appearance? For example: wow, she is very beautiful. Is it true?

Apr 25, 2015 2:07 AM
Comments · 8

Initially the idea of "beauty" is a snapshot in time.  When you first see a person you are able to decide whether they are beautiful in your opinion.  But that is a purely superficial judgment.  As you get to know the person you understand who they are underneath this superficiality.  Over time nice, honest people become more beautiful to you while nasty, spiteful people become ugly.  So while it's trut that physically beautiful gets a jump in the race for relationships, over the long haul that is our life, personality wins. Who wants to spend their lives with a physically beautiful but emotionally/spiritually vacant person? 

April 25, 2015

No , I think I am not beautiful :)

Beauty is relative consept. Maybe for someone I am beautiful , for other person I am not.

April 25, 2015

we have a concept here in egypt that if i want to say you are so handsome it'll be for men , and if beautiful it'll be for women's but i don't know if that's true & common or not and for me it's different from one to another  alot of people have both the beauty & the good soul but for be the second is more important than the first.

April 25, 2015

Beauty most of the time has little to do with appearance.
Someone can be the most beautiful woman or man and have absolutely stunning looks but if their heart is black, backstabbing or arrogant, that person to me is not beautiful and their appearance means nothing.
Looks fade with each, yet people can become more beautiful with age.

April 25, 2015

who are the beautiful comparing themselves against? Is not beauty ugly as well? Don't they need to recognize eachother to exist themselves? 

April 25, 2015
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