hi all! :D

I have been learning Japanese Very slowly (and I mean, VERY) since I was very young.  I have tried books, and CDS; ect. Are there any Japanese people that would like to learn some English because I would love to help. :D 
Although, I will try to help anyone learn some English. 
I hope you all have a wonderful night :3 

May 4, 2015 1:17 AM
Comments · 11


Hi,how r u?

I just started this "italki" then just saw your comment!

Can you read "Hiregana" and "Katakana"?

just let me know and I wanna learn English as well!

May 4, 2015

<em>Thank you for the spirit as on the initiative</em>
<em>Possible Talimampadi English language in order to study ??</em>
<em>I would be grateful to you</em>

May 4, 2015

Ana I can read both Hiragana and Katakana. I can also read a little bit of Kanji as well.


Jacob how long have you been studying Japanese? Just wondering


Sammie Hiragana and Katakana are the basics along with Kanji. If you need resources feel free to ask me. I have a lot saved on my computer.

May 4, 2015

hello, ana, 


I cannot read Hiragana Or Katakana sadly. 

May 4, 2015
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