How do you study for a listening/speaking test?

I have a Japanese conversation text next week & I'm a little nervous since I'm much better at reading it than I am at speaking/understanding it. What are your tips & advice on how to study for it? I feel reading the vocab just isn't helpful enough!


Thanks :)

May 28, 2015 10:48 AM
Comments · 1

Being able to use the vocab you've learnt in various situations is important, so you need to use and understand the vocab in sentences if you want to do well. Try going through example texts that you've studied already in your textbook and read them out loud, making sure you understand what the sentence is trying to say. You can also write up some example questions and answers using the vocab that you've learnt so far, and have a friend ask you them. If you're worried if what you're saying isn't correct, make sure to get them checked and explained! You don't want to be memorising an answer that isn't correct!

If there are any listening activities you can do, I would recommend doing them as well. That always helps when it comes to listening to and understanding questions


Good luck! :)


May 28, 2015