Learning Article : Serbian Phonetic System: The Secret Workings You Won't Find In Your Textbooks: Part 1

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<a href='/article/483/serbian-phonetic-system-the-secret-workings-you-wont-find-in-your-textbooks-part-1' target='_blank'>Serbian Phonetic System: The Secret Workings You Won't Find In Your Textbooks: Part 1</a>

In this article I explain the sounds of the Serbian language, focusing on those usually difficult to pronounce. The explanations also apply to Bosnian and Croatian. There are even some bonus tongue twisters!

Jul 8, 2015 12:00 AM
Comments · 3

Thank you again, Magdalena!

Serbian tongue twisters with my morning coffee :)

July 9, 2015
@Richardlanguage I teach the tones on my website, specifically in this course: <a href="https://www.serbiancourses.com/serbian-cyrillic-reader-a1-l/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.serbiancourses.com/serbian-cyrillic-reader-a1-l/</a>;
February 20, 2020
Cool article!

Can you also talk about Serbian tones? I found this article, but more descriptions would make it easier. https://www.quora.com/Is-Serbian-a-tonal-language?share=1
February 20, 2020