Beluga Angel
what does plus mean in this conversation Why would you why would your eyes be watery and bloodshot -you wanna blow me real quick? -no. I don't want to blow you -plus
May 1, 2024 3:11 AM
Answers · 3
Dear Beluga, In this conversation, the term 'plus' serves to highlight a play on the word "blow." The exchange revolves around one character asking why another's eyes are watery and bloodshot, to which the response includes a suggestion to 'blow' them to alleviate the condition. However, the second character interprets "blow" in a different context, likely with a sexual connotation, leading to the humorous misunderstanding. The use of "plus" at the end indicates an additional layer to the joke. I wish this explanation clarifies. Please feel free to reach out if you haven't understood the joke yet and pardon me being vague to stay within appropriate boundaries :))
May 1, 2024 6:08 AM
Plus is like saying “in addition” ;)
May 3, 2024 10:49 AM
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