Agame Villiar
Hi please help. She either loves you or hate you, it's all or nothing with her. Can you explain this" all or nothing" please? I can't understand
May 1, 2024 12:29 PM
Answers · 4
There is nothing in between. It is like black and white. She only goes to extremes. Could she just "like" you? No, if she does not love you, she hates you. Could she just "dislike" you? No, it's either love or hate. Some people might have a scale of emotions: love, like, indifferent, dislike, hate. She only has two: love and hate.
May 1, 2024 12:46 PM
All or nothing means the opposite end of each extreme. For example, the opposite of love is hate. She will love you or hate you. There is no "middle" which could be "likes you" or "doesn't like you".
May 1, 2024 1:15 PM
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