在捷運車廂裡引體向上 幾天前我在捷運上看到一個男生引體向上。我乍看覺得:“那個人很厲害,那是個好主意”,但是然後我想到“在捷運車廂裡引體向上不禮貌嗎?這樣是犯規的還是可以的?”我也想試試看,但我怕我不太會引體向上,而且可能會覺得很丟臉。我有的時候在家裡俯臥撑,但我好久沒有練習引體向上。 几天前我在捷运上看到一个男生引体向上。我乍看觉得:“那个人很厉害,那是个好主意”,但是然后我想到“在捷运车厢里引体向上不礼貌吗?这样是犯规的还是可以的?”我也想试试看,但我怕我不太会引体向上,而且可能会觉得很丢脸。我有的时候在家里俯卧撑,但我好久没有练习引体向上。 The other day I saw a guy doing pull-ups on the mrt. At first I thought “that guy's awesome, that's a good idea”, but then I wondered: “Is it rude to do pull-ups on the mrt? Is it against the rules??” I'd like to try it, but i'm afraid I can't do very many pull-ups and it would be embarrassing. I do push-ups at home sometimes, but I haven't done any pull-ups for a long time.
Oct 21, 2013 3:43 PM
Corrections · 18





The other day I saw a guy doing pull-ups on the mrt. At first I thought “that guy's awesome, that's a good idea”, but then I wondered: “Is it rude to do pull-ups on the mrt? Is it against the rules??” I'd like to try it, but i'm afraid I can't do very many pull-ups and it would be embarrassing. I do push-ups at home sometimes, but I haven't done any pull-ups for a long time.

October 21, 2013



January 3, 2014




The other day I saw a guy doing pull-ups on the mrt. At first I thought “that guy's awesome, that's a good idea”, but then I wondered: “Is it rude to do pull-ups on the mrt? Is it against the rules??” I'd like to try it, but i'm afraid I can't do very many pull-ups and it would be embarrassing. I do push-ups at home sometimes, but I haven't done any pull-ups for a long time.


如果不會影響到他人, 又不會破壞公物, 而且表演又具有娛樂性質的話, 我覺得在捷運內引體向上不但可以間接鼓勵他人健身, 又會讓大家坐車時有表演可看而不會感到太無聊. 在美國紐約捷運的車廂內我發現常常可以看到街頭藝人在表演. 我覺得他們的存在讓大家一成不變的都市生活變得較活潑. (但我相信民風保守的Chinese speakers 及警察叔叔們應該不太會認同我這種說法. oh well...)

May 17, 2014



The other day I saw a guy doing pull-ups on the mrt. At first I thought “that guy's awesome, that's a good idea”, but then I wondered: “Is it rude to do pull-ups on the mrt? Is it against the rules??” I'd like to try it, but i'm afraid I can't do very many pull-ups and it would be embarrassing. I do push-ups at home sometimes, but I haven't done any pull-ups for a long time.



October 22, 2013


在捷運車廂裡  引體向上/拉單槓 /* 引體向上可能會有很多台灣人聽不懂,或需稍加想一下而且極可能想錯 */


幾天前我在捷運上看到一個男生在做引體向上。我乍看當下覺得:“那個人厲害是個好主意”,但是  然後/接著  我想到在捷運車廂裡引體向上不會不禮貌嗎?這樣  合乎公共禮節嗎/是犯規的還是可以的  ?我也想試試看,但我怕我不太會引體向上,而且可能會覺得很  有點/好  丟臉。我有的時候在家裡 (練習) 俯臥撑,但我好久沒有練習引體向上



The other day I saw a guy doing pull-ups on the mrt. At first I thought “that guy's awesome, that's a good idea”, but then I wondered: “Is it rude to do pull-ups on the mrt? Is it against the rules??” I'd like to try it, but i'm afraid I can't do very many pull-ups and it would be embarrassing. I do push-ups at home sometimes, but I haven't done any pull-ups for a long time.


October 25, 2013
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