Hiking to Mount Sibayak Sibayak is a mount which is nearest from my city. Sibayak has elevation about 2094 meters above sea level. it is an active volcano. and never be erupted since 400 years ago. In last weekand, My friends and I went to the Sibayak mount. We started for hiking at 01.00 am . We walked into a footpath which is named "forest gate" . When i was walking among my team. I heard alot of wild-sounds. The situation was horrible. We had walking for 4 hours untill the stone field. From this location , we begun climbing through a "stone hill" . 30 minutes after, we successed achieving the mountain peak. We looked an amazing view here. All city is located below this mount. i could breathed free among the sunrise. It's a blessing when you could achieved to the top of mountain.
Oct 25, 2014 10:51 PM