big hero 6 Traileripun pilem niki apus krama, benten sanget kalih pilemipun. Kathah sanget adegan ingkang teng pilem boten wonten, nanging wonten ing traileripun. Sipat tokoh-tokoh pilem niki teng trailer ugi boten sami kalih ingkang dipun cariyosaken teng pilem. Niku ngudidayanipun sutradara ingkang pinter. Amargi manawi ngampil trailer saking pilemipun, kula boten purun mirsani pilemipun. big hero 6 This movie's trailer is misleading, too different from the real movie! There were a lot of scenes at the trailer that did not exist in the movie. The characters' personality in the trailer were also different from those in the movie. I must praise the movie director for his wit, had he taken scenes from the movie for the trailer, I wouldn't want to watch the movie.
Dec 17, 2014 6:44 AM