It’s a start ;) It has been quite a long time since the last time i practiced writing in English, and i’d be really appreciated if a kind native English speaker offers some advice or corrections. I was chatting with a friend earlier before about Walking Dead, an American TV series, and sharing our views on it. I thought it was funny, and pathetic as well, that those survivors looked relieved when they saw dead creatures, not living people, walked out of the woods and approached them. They thought what i thought, people scare me more than the dead do. Living ones are frightening for their unpredictability. Animals and zombies hunt to meet their basic needs to survive(will zombies starve to “death”?), people, however, just become evils for no reason sometimes. Perhaps we are born with viciousness. We poach wild animals and skin them alive; we abuse kids because we are not in a good mood; we torture innocents for fun; we ask women to go home and do the laundry. Yes, i used “we”, for i’m one of those villains, i see crimes and tragedies everywhere around the world everyday and i feel nothing, and i do nothing, when people plunder and bully others somewhere for greedy and ignorance, for jealousy and prejudice. My friend said Walking Dead told a story that a group of survivors attempted to keep their humanity in a cursed world that everything we’ve been building for thousands of years collapsed. I won’t judge them or what they would do even if they finally lose faith and turn to the worst side of themselves in that world, since we are at such risk in this world. It’s human nature, no big deal.
Feb 27, 2015 12:52 PM