How do I say this in Japanese? I would like to say this in Japanese: "Today, I cooked some rice and vegetables. I also cooked a boiled egg and drank green tea. It was delicious!" Thank you for any help, and please explain the words in the sentence if you can. ありがとうごいます!
Apr 27, 2015 7:20 PM
Corrections · 6

How do I say this in Japanese?

I would like to say this in Japanese:
"Today, I cooked some rice and vegetables. I also cooked a boiled egg and drank green tea. It was delicious!"
Thank you for any help, and please explain the words in the sentence if you can. ありがとうごいます!



to cook some rice: 米を炊く(こめをたく/Kome wo taku)

to cook vegetables: 野菜を調理する(やさいをちょうりする/Yasai wo chourisuru)

a boiled egg: ゆで卵(ゆでたまご/Yudetamago)

green tea: 緑茶(りょくちゃ/Ryokucha)



April 28, 2015
今日 today やさい vegetable や this is the 'and' ゆでた boiled の of 卵 egg (yes, in Japanese u read ''boiled of egg'') や 'nother 'and' XD こめ rice を this is the 'the' 料理 the verb 'to cook', but also means 'food' しました this is the past of verb 'to do' 。 this is a point XD 緑 green お茶 tea を 'nother 'the' 飲みました this is the past of verb 'to drink' 。'nother fnawkjfnkjawnkjn おいしい delicious でした the past of verb 'to be'
April 28, 2015
今日、やさいやゆでたの卵やこめを料理しました。緑お茶を飲みました。おいしいでした! Maybe is nah, totally correct, baby, becoz I'm studyin' yet
April 28, 2015
Sorry, I meant to say ありがとうございます。
April 27, 2015
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