做句子练习 10 1. 没有选择余地。 There is no other choice. 2. 来电话了。 There will be a call. 3.你还要点儿我拿来别的什么吗? Is there anthing else I need to bring? 4. 里边肉有吗? Is there meat in that? 5. 温暖的餐准备了。 There will be a hot meal ready. 6. 升降机一些有问题。 There is a slight problem with the elevator. 7. 我们现在被关在电梯里五个小时了。 We've been stock in the elevator for five hours now. 8. 你因该快点吧, 因为我们中的一个人要 生孩子。 You should hurry because one of us is about to have a baby. 9. 总是有希望。 些事不坏不像看上去那么。 There is always hope. Things are never as bad as they seem. 10. 现在情况不坏. 我觉得你有必要肯定地。 Things aren't that bad right now. I think you need to be more optimistic.
Jun 30, 2015 11:31 AM
Corrections · 6

做句子练习 10

1. 没有选择余地。
There is no other choice.

2. 来电话了。 [A] Call is coming [in]
There will be a call. 將有电话来

3.你还要点儿我拿来别的什么吗? 还要我帶什么[东西]来?
Is there anthing else I need to bring?

4. 里边吗?

Is there meat in it that?

5. 温暖的餐准备了。 熱食快到了  There are many ways to express this depending on the situation.  This is the shortest form in the most general context.
There will be a hot meal ready.

6. 升降机问题。
There is a slight problem with the elevator.

7. 我们现在在电梯里 已经有五个小时了。
We've been stuck in the elevator for five hours now.

8. 你因该快点吧! 因为我们一个要 生孩子Translation is accurate but won't be saying in such a pedantic way in such a situation.
You should hurry because one of us is about to have a baby.

9. 总是有希望。情沒有想不坏不有这么/坏/惡劣/糟糕/倒霉/ All depending on the situation of the context 看上去那么
There is always hope. Things are never as bad as they seem.

10. 现在情况不坏. 我觉得你 应该有必乐观些肯定地
Things aren't that bad right now. I think you need to be more optimistic.

June 30, 2015

做句子练习 10

1. 没有选择余地。
There is no other choice.

2. 来电话了。
There will be a call.

Is there anthing else I need to bring?

4. 里边肉有吗?
Is there meat in that?

5 热腾腾的饭菜准备好了。
There will be a hot meal ready.

6. 电梯有一些问题。
There is a slight problem with the elevator.

7. 我们现在被关在电梯里五个小时了。
We've been stock in the elevator for five hours now.

8. 你因该快点吧, 因为我们中的一个人要 生孩子了。
You should hurry because one of us is about to have a baby.

9. 总是有希望。 事情不是你们想象中的那样 糟糕。
There is always hope. Things are never as bad as they seem.

10. 现在情况不坏. 我觉得你应该乐观一点 
Things aren't that bad right now. I think you need to be more optimistic.

June 30, 2015
我住在中国、苏州、昆山。很高兴在italki 看到你。我现在学习英语。不知道你是哪个城市的。很想提高英语,但很困惑。不知道怎么去学习提高。我是一名工程师。学习英语很重要。真心希望能获得你的帮助。谢谢。 我的电话:18662546878 QQ:282980295 SKype:gtb521 希望你的回复,真心的感谢。 my name is Tanbo.Guo.I live in China, suzhou, kunshan.It's nice to see you in italki.I am learning English now.Don't know which city are you from.Really want to improve my English, but very confused.Don't know how to improve learning.I am an engineer.Learning English is very important.Sincerely hope to get your help.thank you My phone is: 18662546878 QQ: 282980295 SKype: gtb521 hope you reply, thank you sincerely.
June 30, 2015
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