why education is neccesary? whenever I sit for study this question pop-up in my mind that why I need to study? I mean why I have to mug-up with this shit and always end-up getting depressed.one fine day I was meandering outside my garden and I saw a man who was standing near a bus-stand as usual I thought he might be just a regular passenger but as time elapsed he didn't move from his place. I thought let me ask him if he needs some help.so i started walking towards him and as I reached I asked politely "sir do you need some help" he said no in a firm voice but I can feel the saddest aura which is inclined with his voice however I don't want to get beaten up so I went back. next day again i saw that man standing near stand but this time I don't went for help, but now that man was appearing regularly on that bus-stand I was perplexed that why he don't want to go home rather he always stands there for a whole day so invariably I became more suspicious day by day so one day I finally decided to call-up a police and in my entire life first time police came on time fortunately or unfortunately I don't know that. police caught that guy and started asking question for id proof he show everything to police which can make them more calm and then officer asked him a question that why do you stand here for entire day over a week so at first he was hesitated but he knew that if he will lie so he will end-up spoiling his life in jail so he told everything to police and police and I too got astonished by hearing him. what he have said is ....sir I do come here regularly but I did not do anything wrong my daughter keeps telling me that she wanted to study but I never took her voice so seriously and I compelled her to get married one day she called me that " dad my husband is excessive drinker and smoker he even beats me sometimes please help me dad " I was stumbled by hearing this I got furious upon my son-in-law, i know the reason why he was hitting my daughter that he don't want my daughter to always ask for money even for basic necessity he did not even earn enough he was illiterate and my daughter end-up committing suicide. i felt extreme sorrow after that day. the reason why I came here is I do like to see children studying (beside my house there is a school) and it brings a wide bliss on my face. if I let my daughter study she would never marry to that pervert and she could also lead a decent life.see EDUCATION ENABLES THE OPPORTUNITY and teach you a subtle difference between good and bad.
Sep 3, 2015 9:17 AM