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Привет! В этот понедельник… the letter-post will be really short. 📅 Gerund in Russian First, I just remind you that May 24 was Slavic Writing and Culture Day. Slavic languages, one of them Russian, are considered to be among the most difficult, but if you love logic and are patient enough, you can master them. The biggest obstacle in your way will actually be the internet and an endless amount of incorrect information. Now why is this post short today. There is no gerund in Russian. Your teacher may say it's LIKE a gerund, trying to give you an understandable comparison, but nothing more. What you might find useful to learn if you want to read Russian literature -- participles and adverbial participles. These names are really useful, they will help you figure out how they work. So, the new filter is how to find a teacher. If they tell you about gerunds in Russian - leave, if they find the endings of the adverbial participles, you'd better leave again. This is not for the faint of heart. You can't help people who couldn't study the school curriculum, but you can help yourself and learn how to study difficult topics more easily. If you’ve already studied participles and adverbial participles you can check them here. https://teach.italki.com/creator/quiz/quizset/9582 _____________ If you don't want to spend years learning Russian, and then years more to learn it correctly, but just achieve your goal on time, you can check my schedule - I'm always glad to help anyone who really wants to learn. 🤟
Слушая подкаст, студент делал заметки. 🎧 Слушая is
adverbial participle
3명 참여함
3시간 전
The №1 killer of any language fluency and personal success in a job interview or IELTS speaking. If you want to succeed in your IELTS speaking performance - having more ideas to bring to the table or if you are a job interview performer - sound more natural and stay on the point without being stuck - you want to listen to this potentially life changing podcast. What might it be, you are wondering? What is the topic? It's quite simple, and we are all told this by language tutors: confidence... We are told "we all need to become confident."  Is this right? Self-confidence is game changer! Since I am a second language learner, which means I am going through the same steps as my students do, and I can understand them quite well but if I was told to become confident when learning a language - it would seem quite vague, would it be the same for you? Teachers tell us to be confident, but how can we be?! How do I be confident?  What is confidence? What is it made of? These questions are never answered because the 'confidence field' is too vague and broad, and sadly, it's overlooked as the main, foundational ingredient for someone's change! Listen to the podcast; within it, you'll find a massive bonus that will amplify your learning and can inspire you to sel-find ideas you've never dreamed of. Give it a shot; you might like it. https://www.italki.com/en/post/4DL5EmtfZvBRqSavnUhwpK better and Better.. Anatoly
2024년 5월 25일 오전 3:15
International Tea Day is observed every year on May 21st and it aims to raise awareness of the long history and deep cultural and economic significance of Tea around the world. The idea is to promote and to somehow Implement activities in favour of promoting everything related to tea. International Tea Day has been celebrated for quite some time. It started off on December 15th in countries like India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam, Indonesia and others across Africa such as Malaysia and Tanzania. The idea is to draw global attention to tea and to the global tea trade. It has also been linked to wanting more support to keep the cost of tea down. In 2015, the Indian Government proposed expanding the observance of International Tea today by having some kind of intergovernmental group to discuss tea. They created something which led to big efforts to support the world's tea economy and in 2015, they had a big meeting in Milan to discuss the idea of an international Tea Day. It then went to the United Nations. And that's how We managed to get International Tea Day on the 21st of May. Here's some very interesting facts about tea here in the UK: The average British person drinks 876 cups of tea every single year. So, that's well over two cups a day if my calculations are right. And, apparently, for centuries, it was used only as a medicine. Tea was first introduced to Britain almost 400 years ago and was described, described as a Chinese drink because it first came from China. A cup of tea has become native to British culture. It's the number one choice for British people and herbal teas are also very popular these days.
International Tea Day (with transcript)
2024년 5월 24일 오전 6:06
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