what are means of '-дан сал' and 'эле' in this sentence? I found words' means in this sentence, but I can't understand it. Бул короз өзү менен тең жөжөлөрдөн салмагы абдан оор эле. what is mean of this sentence? and what are means of '-дан сал' and 'эле' in this sentence?
Aug 18, 2013 5:41 AM
Answers · 3
more precisely: 1 (2 кг) короз > (2 кг) {жөжөлөр}
December 4, 2013
1 короз > 2 жөжө
December 3, 2013
“cалмак” means “weight “(kilo).“-дөн” means “than the”, that is, “comparison”. Бул короз жөжөдөн салмагы абдан оор эле=Cock’s weight was much greater than the weight of the chicken. Of course, it's true. But here, what chicken? Кандай жөжө? -- (өзү менен тең) жөжө. “Тең” means “Equal” (=), so “короз = жөжө” is not true.Since speaking person has in mind a lot of chickens, it may be 1короз=2 жөжө, but here, we have in mind is very heavy (абдан оор).
December 2, 2013
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