How to say "for" in Chinese? I understand that the word "for" may vary according to the context, so there may be multiple words in Chinese for expressing this concept. I'll try to write a few sentences that make use of "for" in a different way, so you can translate them for me and make me understand how to use correctly "for" in Chinese. Thanks in advance. "I would like to buy this book for you". "I study Chinese language for being able to speak to Chinese people and live in China". "For me it isn't a good idea to spend so much money for buying clothes".
Apr 13, 2014 10:11 PM
Answers · 8
"I would like to buy this book for you". 我想買這本書 "給" 你 ( 見 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1n0xqPtScc&list=PLj6E8qlqmkFsau6eDIrAtDR51Aay8sIgo 33:05 起) "I study Chinese language for being able to speak to Chinese people and live in China". "為了"要定居中國且能跟中國人溝通 (因此) 我學中文 我學中文 "是" "為了" 要能跟中國人溝通與定居中國 "For me it isn't a good idea to spend so much money for buying clothes". "對" 我來說 花大錢 "只" "為" 買衣服 不是很恰當 "就" 我而言 "為" 買衣服而花大錢 不是很恰當
April 13, 2014
"I would like to buy this book for you". = 我_想_给_你_买_这_本_书。 "I study Chinese language for being able to speak to Chinese people and live in China". 我_学_汉语_的_目的_是_在_中国_住_时_和_中国人_说话。 "For me it isn't a good idea to spend so much money for buying clothes". 对我来说_买_衣服_花_那么_多_钱_是_白搭。
April 14, 2014
How to use ‘for ’in Chinese in common ways .In general we will translate the 'for' to ‘为了’.but there are some other meanings: 1.in order to help sb/sth.以帮助,为了。What can I do for you ?有什么事我可以为你效劳? 2.conserning sb/sth.关于。They are anxious for her safety.他们为她的安全担心。 3.as a representative of 。代表.I am speaking for everyone in this room.我代表这个房间的所有人讲话。 4.used to show purpose or function.表示目的或功能。Let’s go for a walk.咱们去散散步。Are you leaning Chinese for pleasure or your work? 你学汉语是出于消遣还是为了工作? 5.used to show reason or cause因为,由于。He gave me a watch for my birthday.他送给我一块手表作为生日礼物。 6.used to show who is intend to have or use sth or where sth is intend to be put.给、对、供。There is a letter for you .有你一封信。 7.employed.受雇于。He is working for IBM.他为IBM工作。 8.in order to obtain sth.为得到、为获取。He came to me for advice.他来征求我的意见。 These are we often used in reality, there are some other, I wouldn't have introduced in detail. I hope my answer can help you . If you are interested in, you can ask me in private.
April 14, 2014
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