How do you say 'to have fun' and 'no worries' in french?
Apr 18, 2014 7:52 AM
Answers · 5
If you want to say "no worries" to mean something like "it's okay, don't worry about it," then you can also use the expression "ce n'est pas grave." (When in an informal setting, it will most often be said like "c'est pas grave")
April 20, 2014
To have fun (= Avoir du plaisir.). Exemple: Il voulait avoir du plaisir. (=S'amuser.). Exemple: l'instrument parfait pour vous amuser. No worries (=Aucune inquiétude, aucun problème, pas de souci, aucun doute etc.) Exemple:Il n’y a aucune inquiétude. Sans aucun problème.Je n'ai aucun doute etc.
April 18, 2014
to have fun: "s'amuser" no worries: "aucune inquiétude" or "pas de soucis", "pas de stress" (current language)
April 18, 2014
If it's the order "have fun!", it would be "amusez-vous bien !"
April 19, 2014
ne vous inquiet pas =dont worry
April 18, 2014
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