need help, please! 1) How can I say this sentence (I graduated from faculty of engineering )? 2) он позвонит домой. _ Письмо домой. how can we translated these sentences, and the word Домой in what case exactly? 3) Ну вот и хорошо. how can we translate it?
Apr 21, 2014 8:00 PM
Answers · 7
1) I graduated from faculty of engineering-Я закончил(а) университет, по спецальности инженер.
April 21, 2014
2) 'домой' is an adverb, not noun. So it has no cases.
April 22, 2014
1) Я окончил/окончила факультет проектирования 2) He will call home A letter that comes home You can use "Домой" in both causes. Second sentence means that the letter will send to someone house 3) well, that's good
April 21, 2014
*2)sorry, I mean how can we translate it
April 21, 2014
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