What's the difference between ''sorry'' and 'excuse me''?
Apr 23, 2014 11:59 PM
Answers · 5
Sorry and excuse me can be interchangeable when you do something mildly rude (for example, if you bump into someone you can say sorry or excuse me). If you would like to speak to someone and want to get their attention, you say "Excuse me". You would never use sorry in this situation. If you have done something you really need to apologize for, then you say sorry. (For example, "I'm so sorry I forgot to pay you on time") Sorry is also used to offer condolences (For example, I'm sorry for your loss). I hope this helps :)
April 24, 2014
"Sorry" can always replace "excuse me" to give the same meaning in the same situations: - When asking for permission: "Sorry ,do you mind me using your pen". "Excuse me ,do you mind me using your pen". - When you ask for further explanation due to misunderstanding or not hearing well: " Sorry , could you repeat that again" "Excuse me ,could you repeat that again". On the other hand "excuse me" can't replace "sorry" when one is apologizing for something wrong they have said or done: " Sorry , I didn't mean to hurt you" Here you can not replace it by "excuse me" : " Excuse me , I didn't mean to hurt you".
April 24, 2014
Sorry = (me) desculpe/sinto muito (depende do contexto mas preferivelmente adicione "I'm" para indicar a segunda alternativa) Excuse me = (com) licença ou favor se for uma questao (sorry tbm satisfaz mas é menos correto) Pode ser usado sarcasticamente (os ingleses sao mestres em sutileza nesse aspecto) Forgive me = perdoe me/com licença/faça uma gentileza (formal) I apologize = eu peço desculpas/perdão (um poco formal) Pardon (me) = veja excuse me (um poco formal) A palavra excuse pode obter outros significados em diferentes contextos. Exemplo To be excused. ser liberado (de uma tarefa ou de uma situação). ser perdoado/absolvido de um crime (formal, antigo, poético) To be pardoned. Ser perdoado de um crime (antigamente pelo uma autoridade suprema: familia real ou igreja) Nao posso garantir que as traduções sejam 100 % corretas pois é impossivel traduzir algo perfeitamente. Mas espero que pude lhe oferecer uma boa noção ;)
May 12, 2014
You say sorry when you feel bad for doing something or you're feeling sympathy for someone else's misfortune. P1: I'm so sorry for bumping into you! P2: It's fine. P1: I'm sorry your aunt died. She was a great women. P2: I know. It's horrible, isn't it? You say excuse me when apologizing for yourself for an act that could cause offense, when you want someone to move out of the way, or to get attention. P1: Excuse me. I'm going to be late for my bus! I have to get through. P2: You're welcome. P1: *Clears throat* Excuse me. Attention class. I need your attention. Class: Yes Mrs... P1: Excuse me for bumping into you! P2: That's quite alright!
April 24, 2014
"sorry" - you have done something and you wish to apologize You are sad about a death or injury "excuse me" - can be used in a variety of ways - to interrupt, to question, tor request passage to question -- someone is speaking and you did not understand what they said - "Excuse me but I did not understand" to interrupt - "Excuse me but you are completely wrong" To push past someone - "Excuse me but I am trying to get to the door"
April 24, 2014
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