Robert Parent
Professional Teacher
What does "Semuka" mean in Indonesian? Apa berarti "semuka" di bahasa Inggris?
May 17, 2014 12:50 AM
Answers · 10
semuka = dalam satu muka = in one face, look alike as I know, semuka doesn't have a proper meaning in indonesia. but yes, we can always create a new (slang) word as long as it makes sense. example: wife: "Lihatlah di cermin, kamu dan anakmu semuka!" husband: "Apa maksudmu "semuka"? wife: "Ya miriplah...!"
May 17, 2014
Se+object means Se = all Muka = Face >>>> Se-Muka = all face
May 17, 2014
Semuka. The base is 'muka' = Noun (face) or direction. 'Se-" is a prefix, it will add some meaning to the noun. 'Se-" will add some meaning, depend on the context you want to use. for example : (1) to indicate one item, a unit or unity (like "a" or "the" in English) example: sebuah {se+buah} (noun) = a piece; one piece; the piece (2) to mean throughout or completely affected by example: sepenuh {se+penuh} (adverb) = fully; completely; entirely (3) to mean being similar to or having the same level or degree example: seragam {se+ragam} (adjective) = uniform; similar; alike (4) to indicate a similar time occurrence or other connection with time example: seterima {se+terima} (adverb) = on receipt; when accepted example: sesudah {se+sudah} (adverb) = after; subsequent to In this context : semuka --> 1. all over your face : Pakai bedaknya semuka, ya. (use the powder all over your face, ok) 2. same face : Kamu semuka sama ibumu (you had your mother's face) 3. one direction or position (v) : Bukunya disusun semuka ya. (Please arrange the book in one direction) sorry for crappy english.
May 21, 2014
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