anyone who knows to read and write kannada fluently? Please translate this into kannada"please keep your mobile phones on silent. Not doing so will be considered as an act of Disrespect".Anyone with the answer can send me message.
May 28, 2014 3:34 AM
Answers · 2
As you can read Hindi, I am posting this in devanagari script. दयविट्टु निम्म मोबैल् फोन्गळन्नु सैलेंट् मॊड्नल्लिडि. हागे माडदिरुवुदु अगौरवद संकॆत एंदु तिळियलागुत्तदे. Remember that in Kannada, words that end with अ actually end with अ, unlike Hindi. So it is not "nimm" but "nimma", it is not Kannad, but Kannada.
May 30, 2014
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