Some help please with translation of some sentences Got these from the lyrics of a song 1) Ging's dir damals schon nur drum (don't get how the words link up together to mean "the only important thing to you was if you earned enough") 2) doch lieber hingst du ab mit irgendwelchen Boygroup-Mitgliedern (what does "mit irgendwelchen" mean and what's the meaning of "ab" over here? 3) Do we always take the dative case after "nach"? As in "nach der Trennung"? Thanks in advance
Jul 10, 2014 9:42 AM
Answers · 11
1) "drum" = darum = replacement for "um X" (similar: an X -> daran, auf X -> darauf, etc.) "jemandem geht es um etwas" = it is about from the point of view of s.o.; is important for s.o., s.o. cares about, etc. "Ging es dir schon damals nur darum, dass du genug Geld verdienst?" = Did you already back then only care about earning enough money?. 2) "mit jemandem abhängen" (colloqiual, young people's usage) = to keep company with, to hang out with. It's a compound verb, the preposition is part of the verb. "welche, irgendwelche" = some arbitrary 3) Yes, nach always takes the dative case. Some prepositions take just one case, some can take several:
July 10, 2014
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