El 麦霸
What difference between 拥 and 有?
Jul 21, 2014 3:21 AM
Answers · 7
usually we use these two characters as one word 拥有 ,means have,own 一般我们将这两个字放在一起组成一个词叫做 拥有 for example:珍惜现在所拥有的。
July 21, 2014
"拥" emphasize the motion " 有" emphasize the status, the result.
July 21, 2014
拥有=有=have =own but 拥,the single word ,it has no meaning of Have, 拥should be followed by 抱,so 拥抱 means hug,it can be both a verb and a noun~
July 21, 2014
“坐拥一切”,“左拥右抱” “有”是个和英语中的“have”类似的万能词,有很多作用。我给你举些例子: 1、我之前有跟你说过这个问题。 2、我没有车,也没有钱。 3、你有必要这样做吗?
July 21, 2014
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