Es "ridículo" una palabra más fuerte en el español que en el ingles?
Jul 26, 2014 7:43 PM
Answers · 16
creo que depende del tono en que lo digas, pero a mi me parece que es igual de fuerte.
July 26, 2014
It will depend on what you are saying, but to give you an example, saying: Lo que dices es ridículo. Means: It is stupid to say what you are saying. I guess that will give you a perception on how this word is interpreted.
July 26, 2014
Hi. I cannot say without a context. But in Spanish I think that word it doesn´t sound bad but, of course, it really depends on the situation. Would you mind wrtting a small context with the word? See you¡¡
July 27, 2014
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