Do you guys know this translation? sorry, but please help me. Audiences shrank and cinemas closed, reaching an all‐time low in 1984, when the total number of seats sold was only 54 million, so it’s somewhat surprising to note the revival which the cinema has been undergoing in recent years. Audiences are growing steadily, although they.re never likely to reach the figures of the years leading up to 1950, when cinema attendance was at its height. In the best year, 1946, more than 1,600 million tickets were sold.
Aug 20, 2014 9:18 PM
Answers · 1
1984년 초에 도달했을 때, 총 판매좌석 수가 54백만석 밖에 안되자 관중들은 줄어들었고, 영화관은 문을 닫었다. 그럼, 어떻게 최근에 이르기까지 영화관이 어떻게 변화 해왔는지 알아보자. 관중들은 꾸준히 증가했고, 비록 1950년에 이르기가지 판매 좌석수가 이 수치에 도달 할 것 같지 않았지만,영화관 관중이 가장 많았던 1946년에는 1600 백만표가 팔렸다. maybe you need another real translator. :D
August 20, 2014
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