Naughty Nerd
How do you refer to the hand that's not your dominant hand? Besides the above question, could you recommend to me some books that in your opinion are written with a stroke of genius? Better be the production of 21st century authors..... ---------------- I know this is a very weird combo of questions, and since you have to pay member fees in order to ask more than two questions a day, I have to cramp all my questions in one post.....:P
Aug 20, 2014 11:47 PM
Answers · 3
I only know it as the "non-dominant hand", but maybe someone else may know another term for it. Sorry, I can't answer your second question, I don't know many 21st century books that I'd consider to be brilliant, but if I think of anything great written in the past 14 years, I'll come back and post again.
August 20, 2014
Kiterunner by Kholeid Husseini Outlander by Diana Gabaldon Speak The Fault in Our Stars Lord of the Rings
August 21, 2014
non-dominant or opposite
August 20, 2014
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