How to say these in Hindi? It depends on person to person to what is repulsive to them. Recently, people discovered a monstrous fish in the lake. People instantaneously secrete bodily fluids when they die. Identifying the triggers of our stress can help us in leading a mentally healthy lifestyle.
Aug 27, 2014 3:18 PM
Answers · 2
Recently, people discovered a monstrous fish in the lake. लोगों ने हाल ही में झील में एक दैत्याकार मछली खोजी ।
August 28, 2014
It depends on person to person to what is repulsive to them. यह व्यक्ति से व्यक्ति पर निर्भर करता है कि उन्हेंं क्या अरूचिकर लगता है ।
August 28, 2014
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