Please correct my sentences. 1 - I have been awoken by a loud voice from the street. When I got up, I found 2 persons are fighting in the street. and the most strange thing, there was no one trying to calm them down. 2 - I have to handle some things, but I will be quick enough to finish everything before the guests coming. 3 - You have beat this tournament before. It's not big deal to lose this time. 4 - You became so aggressive since yesterday. You need to control yourself, or you will make it worst. 5 - The tournament has began. Do you think who will be the winner this year ? Please correct my sentences, or show me a better better suggestion to express their meanings in your native way. Please can you indicate the distinction between a correction and the suggestion. Thanks.
Sep 17, 2014 8:22 AM
Answers · 2
I wrote the changes in capitals so you can see them more easily. 1 - I WAS awoken by loud voiceS IN the street. When I got up, I found 2 PEOPLE WERE fighting in the street. And the strangEST thing WAS THAT there was no one trying to calm them down." 2 - I have to handle some things, but I will be quick enough to finish everything before the guests COME. 3 - You have beatEN this tournament before. It's not A big deal to lose this time. 4 - You'VE BEEN so aggressive since yesterday. You need to control yourself, or you will make it worst. 5 - The tournament has began. WHO do you think will be the winner this year ?
September 17, 2014
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